Griffiths’ Original Beef, our famous and trusted recipe. Made with a handful of simple; wholesome ingredients specially developed and formulated to support dogs with a moderate to high activity level. We source our Beef from British and Irish farmers; Beef provides highly digestible protein whilst maize provides a novel carbohydrate. Wholegrain Maize is a great source of Omega 6 fatty acids which are essential for healthy skin and coat. Easy to Digest - less waste to clean up Wheat Gluten Free - free from Wheat and Soya Oral Hygiene - crunchy biscuits help reduce Plaque Stamina and Vitality – provides a balanced source of Energy Joint and Bone Health - fortified with Calcium and Vitamin D3 A complete food for working and sporting adult dogs. Suitable for dogs from 12 months old. Composition: Whole British Maize, British & Irish Beef 37 Percent, Free Range Poultry Fat, Beet Pulp, Calcium Carbonate, Vitamins & Minerals. Nutritional Additives: Vitamins: Vitamin A 24,000 IU, Vitamin D3 2,000 IU, Vitamin E 250mg/kg Trace Elements: Iron (Iron (II) Sulphate Monohydrate) 75mg, Zinc (Zinc Oxide) 70mg, Manganese (Manganous Sulphate Monohydrate) 40mg, Zinc (Zinc Chelate of Amino Acid Hydrate) 30mg, Copper (Copper (II) Sulphate Pentahydrate) 7mg, Iodine (Calcium Iodate Anhydrous) 2.5mg, Selenium (Sodium Selenite) 0.2mg. Analytical Constituents: Crude Protein 24 Percent Crude Oils and Fats 9.5 Percent Crude Fibre 2 Percent Digestible Energy 347 Kcal/100g Ingredients Beef