Classic Archives Listing


The Deluxe Printable Stamp Album Library

34,000 full color pages!

Images of over 1,000,000 stamps from all over the world!

This 2 DVD-ROM Set contains 34,000 pages, in full color, with stamp images.

Included:  34,000 printable stamp albums pages!


Included:  All pages are full color including the stamp images


Stamp Book Library Format: DVD-ROM data disks, 4 disk set, for a computer only
Publisher: ADV Plans, LLC.
Software  Required: All files are in PDF format.  A PDF reader, such as Adobe Reader, is required.


Latest version of Windows, MAC, and LINUX compatible.


Printable Stamp Album Pages Library

A great way to kick start your collection!
Printable Stamp Album Pages Library

Printable Stamp Album Pages Library

A must have resource for any Stamp Collector!

Vintage Surgical Instruments Library

All files are PDF format.

Adobe Reader, or any other free PDF reader software.

FORMAT NOTICE: This disk is only for use in your computer's drive!  It will NOT play in the DVD Player hooked up to your TV or in your car!


Printable Stamp Album Pages

Printable Stamp Album Pages

Printable Stamp Album Pages

Printable Stamp Album Pages

Printable Stamp Album Pages

Printable Stamp Album Pages

This set contains 34,000 pages in color, containing full color images of the stamps, not just empty square boxes.  This allows you to see the stamp that you are missing and need to find.

None of these page images on this 2 DVD set appear in any other collection.  Both of them contain unique pages that are not shared on any other DVD's.  This is for serious collections.  Get our full set, and you won't be disappointed, it is the largest ever set put together on ebay.  You can print out any page that you want, and use it as a guide to collect and showcase your stamp collection. 

NOTE:  Please be aware that not all the pages may represent full albums of a particular year or series.  We cannot provide any guarantee that a particular collection is 100% complete.  It is impossible to collect a list of every single stamp ever produced, but we believe this is the largest collection assembled today.  Also, of course please be aware that NO STAMPS are included with this DVD set.  If a specific year is a must have for you, you can inquire first and we'll see if we can find it.  In general, this collection spans the mid 1800's in the early years of stamps, into the late 1990's and early 2000's.  It is intended to be a huge library of stamp images for the serious collector in mind, but it is not an all inclusive set which would be millions of stamps.

Please note that this collection also contains scans of old stamps, some of which were in poor condition before being rescued and digitized for posterity.  This means that you may see some pages with creases and tears that show up in the scans.

375 Countries and Territories (Past and Present) Are Represented:

 Afghanistan  Costa Rica  Indonesia  Northern Rhodesia  Tajikistan
 Aitutaki  Croatia  Inini  Norway  Tannu Tuva (Russia)
 Aland Islands  Cuba  Iran  Nova Scotia  Tete
 Alaouites (Syria)  Cyprus  Iraq  Nyasaland  Thailand
 Albania  Czechoslovakia  Ireland  Oman  Timor
 Algeria  Dahomey  Israel  Orange River Colony (South Africa)  Tobago
 Allenstein  Dalmatia  Italian Aegean Islands  Pakistan  Togo
 Andorra French  Danzig  Italian Social Republic  Palau  Tokelau Islands
 Andorra Spanish  Democratic Republic of the Congo  Italy  Palestine  Tonga
 Angola  Denmark  Italy Offices Abroad  Panama  Trieste
 Angola Portugese Africa  Dominica  Ivory Coast  Panama Canal Zone  Trieste Occupation
 Angra  Dominican Republic  Jamaica  Papua New Guinea  Trinidad
 Anjouan  East Germany  Japan  Parma  Trinidad and Tobago
 Antigua  East Timor  Jhind  Patiala  Tunisia
 Argentina  Eastern Rumelia  Jordan  Penrhyn Island  Turkey
 Aruba  Ecuador  Karelia (Russia)  Peru  Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
 Australia  Egypt  Kenya  Philippines  Turkmenistan
 Australia - Christmas Island  El Salvador  Kenya,Uganda,Tanganyika  Poland  Tuscany
 Australia - New South Wales  Epirus  Kiribati  Poland under German Occupation  Tuvalu
 Australia - Norfolk  Eritrea  Kuwait  Ponta Delgada  Two Sicilies
 Australia - South Australia  Estonia  Kyrgyzstan  Portugal  UAE Abu Dhabi
 Australia - Western  Ethiopia  Laos  Portuguese Africa  UAE Ajman
 Australia Antarctic Territory  Far Eastern Republic (Russia)  Latakia (Syria)  Portuguese Guinea  UAE Dubai
 Australia Cocos Islands Official  Faridkot  Lebanon  Qatar  UAE Fujeira
 Australia Queensland  Faroe Islands  Leeward Islands  Republic of China (Taiwan)  UAE Ras Al Khaima
 Australia Tasmania  Fiji  Lesotho  Republic of Congo  UAE Sharjah and Dependencies
 Australia Victoria  Finland  Liberia  Réunion  UAE Umm Al Qiwain
 Austria  France  Liechtenstein  Rhodesia  UAR-Syria
 Azores  French Colonies  Lithuana  Rhodesia and Nyasaland  Ubangi Shari
 Bahamas  French Equatorial Africa  Luxembourg  Romagna  UK
 Bahrain  French Guiana  Macao  Roman States  UK Alderney
 Bangladesh  French Guinea  Madagascar  Romania  UK Anguilla
 Barbados  French India  Madeira  Rouad (Syria)  UK Ascension Island
 Barbuda  French Morocco  Malawi  Ruanda-Urundi  UK Bermuda
 Basutoland  French Polynesia  Malaysia  Russian Empire and Pre-USSR  UK British Antarctic Territory
 Bavaria  French Southern and Antarctic Territories  Maldives  Rwanda  UK British Indian Ocean Territory
 Bechuanaland  French Sudan  Mali  Ryukyu Islands  UK Caicos Islands
 Bechuanaland Protectorate  French West Africa  Malta  SAAR  UK Cayman Islands
 Belgium  Funchal  Maluku Selatan  Samoa  UK Falkland Islands
 Belize  Gabon  Marienwerder  San Marino  UK Gibraltar
 Benin  Gambia  Marshall Islands  Sardinia  UK Guernsey
 Berlin  GB  Martinique  Saseno  UK Isle of Man
 Bhutan  Georgia  Mauritania  Senegal  UK Jersey
 Bohemia and Moravia  German States  Mauritius  Senegambia and Niger  UK Montserrat
 Bolivia  Germany  Mayotte  Serbia  UK Pitcairn Islands
 Bosnia and Herzegovina  Ghana  Memel  Seychelles  UK South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
 Botswana  Ghana Gold Coast  Mesopotamia  Siberia (Russia)  UK St. Helena
 Brazil  Gilbert and Ellice Islands  Micronesia  Sierra Leone  UK Tristan da Cunha
 British Honduras  Gilbert Islands  Middle Congo  Singapore  UK Turks and Caicos Islands
 Brunei  Grand Comoro Islands  Modena  Slovakia  UK Virgin Islands
 Brunei Darussalam  Greece  Moheli  Slovenia  UN Geneva
 Bulgaria  Greenland  Monaco  Solomon Islands  UN New York
 Burkina Faso  Grenada  Montenegro  South Africa  UN Vienna
 Burundi  Guadeloupe  Morocco  South Korea  United Arab Emirates
 Cabinda (Portuguese Congo)  Guatemala  Mozambique  South Russia  Upper Senegal and Niger
 Cabo Gracias a Dios  Guinea  Myanmar Burma  South Vietnam  Upper Silesia
 Cambodia  Guinea-Bissau  Nabha  South West Africa  Upper Volta
 Cameroon  Gwalior  Namibia  Southern Rhodesia  Uruguay
 Canada  Haiti  Nauru  Soviet Union  US Postage
 Cape of Good Hope  Honduras  Nepal  Spain  USA
 Cape of Good Hope (south Africa)  Hong Kong  Netherlands  Sri Lanka  Uzbekistan
 Cape Verde  Horta  Netherlands Antilles  St. Christopher (St. Kitts and Nevis)  Vanuatu
 Caroline Islands  Hungary  Netherlands Indies  St. Kitts  Vatican City
 Castellorizo  Iceland  Nevis  St. Kitts and Nevis  Venezuela
 Central African Republic  Ifni  New Brunswick  St. Lucia  Vietnam
 Central Lithuana  Imperial China and ROC  New Caledonia  St. Pierre and Miquelon  Wallis and futuna Islands
 Ceylon (Sri Lanka)  Imperial China and ROC Kiauchau  New Zealand  St. Thomas and Prince Islands  Wenden (Russia)
 Chad  Imperial China and ROC Manchukuo  Newfoundland  St. Vincent  Yugoslavia
 Chamba  Imperial China and ROC Occupation  Nicaragua  St. Vincent Grenadines  Zambezia
 Chile  Imperial China and ROC Provinces  Niger  Stellaland (South Africa)  Zambia
 China PRC  Imperial China and ROC Shanghai  Niuafo'ou (Tonga)  Suriname  Zelaya
 China PRC Liberated Zones  Imperial China and ROC Tibet  Niue  Swaziland  Zil Elwannyen Sesel (Seychelles)
 Colombia  Imperial Korea  North Ingermanland (Russia)  Sweden  Zimbabwe
 Comoros Islands  India  North Korea  Switzerland  
 Cook Islands  Indo-China  North Vietnam  Syria  


We formed ADV Plans, LLC. over 20 years ago.  We are a small private publisher sharing unique and original collections on CDs and DVDs.  We specialize in amassing and building amazing content on our disks.  Our disks are shipped in plain paper mailers typically with plain labels, with minimal artwork in an effort to preserve the environment and provide our customers with the best possible pricing.  The label on your disk may appear different then image shown above depending on our latest updates, however the content that is promised to be on the disk in this listing is guaranteed.

Our disks do NOT come in retail packaging with fancy boxes or fancy artwork.  These are not mass produced, commercially"pressed" disks that you will find at a Walmart or other big box store.  These are unique and original collections that we have collected and prepared for distribution.  Please understand this prior to purchasing!

While our standard delivery is still via a CD or DVD, we recognize not all of you have a computer with a CD/DVD drive.

For an additional cost, we will put the entire contents of this item on a USB drive and send that along with the disk, when you purchase USB Flash Drive Delivery from our shop in addition to purchasing these disks.

NOTICE: If you don't see our listing for our USB flash drive delivery in our store at this link, that simply means we are currently waiting on more to arrive and can only offer CDs and DVDs at this time! Check back soon!

Official PayPal Seal

Shipping and Payment information

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Official PayPal Seal



We are centrally located in America's heartland in the great state of Tennessee!



All items will be shipped out within 1 business day to your PayPal address. We will only ship to your PayPal verified address.  Please view our shipping and sales tax rules on our shipping and payments tab above.


The estimated delivery dates shown above are ebay's estimates, not ours.  Sometimes ebay's dates are completely unrealistic.  Every effort is made to get your item out the next day, but once it leaves us, we ask that you please understand that we do not guarantee delivery by any date, since the USPS does not give us a guarantee either.  Below is our estimates on what to expect:

:  Most times, your package will arrive in about 1 week after we ship them depending on where you are at.  However, lately the Post Office it seems has not been very cooperative with us and we've had a couple of customers wait a few days longer than that.  If the item does not arrive after 2 weeks, please email us directly and let us know, and we will make it right.

:  Same deal above,  except your packages typically have been taking about 3 weeks or so after we ship them.  We've noticed that maybe 20% of overseas customers have been waiting as long as 4+ weeks for these shipments.  The only explanation we can come up with is that it must be stuck in some container in some dock waiting on customs clearance.  It happens, and for those 20% of customers, we apologize, but there is very little we can do about that.   If the item does not arrive after 4 weeks, please email us directly and let us know, and we will make it right.

Multiple items purchased by the same customer may or may not be shipped in the same package, at our discretion.  We do not offer any additional discounts on multiple items other than the ones noted above.


If you run into issues and wish to speak with us, we ask that you please refrain from opening a request on ebay and email us directly by asking a question first, and give us a chance to answer you before you open a request!

Copyright notice and disclaimer:

We ARE THE AUTHOR OF THIS DISK.  We have full rights to distribute this collection.  Per eBay policy, we have ownership and rights to these disks and have full legal authorization to replicate the content at our discretion without any further permission.  All of our disks and other media are copyrighted by ADVPlans, LLC, and redistribution without our consent is prohibited.  We also believe that many takedown requests on eBay originate from competitors trying to gain an unfair advantage.


Copyright © 2024, SuperShedPlans.  All rights reserved. (All of our disks and contents are branded with our name and web address)


Attention eBay Staff: The book or books on this media are free from copyright per the Copyright Act of 1976.   This content of this media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office. This ad complies with all eBay rules and regulations.  Verification is available upon request.   All unique content is copyrighted by ADV Plans, LLC.