Sabal Birmingham is still a mystery in the palm world. No one is exactly sure what it is. DNA testing is supposed to occur soon to figure out if it’s a hybrid or its own species entirely. Regardless of what it is, it is maybe the most cold hardy trunking Sabal. The picture of the big one is one of the original palms started from the original mother tree in Birmingham Alabama. The ones I’m selling are started from seeds from the big one in the picture. A direct descendant and rock solid cold hardy. The one planted at my house has survived negative temperatures a few times and taken some leaf damage. Tons of snow and single digits over the years don’t faze it. The ones for sale are big landscape ready palms. I was half tempted to keep them all and plant them. Nowhere else to get Birminghams this size, don’t pass them up!! These might be the last ones of the year I can offer for sale this size