Summer is coming and this fantastic vintage dress is  perfect for any backyard barbecue or beach party.  🥳

To find one of these dresses in such good condition is practically a miracle. The elastic is still stretchy, and there are no rips, stains or flaws to be found. I love details like the white plastic cat eye buttons for the straps. The straps have four button holes that provide ample adjustment for your size. You can criss cross them if you like.

It was musty so I hand washed it, hung it up to dry, and gave it a good pressing without starch or fabric finish. When I took the pictures I put a petticoat under the skirt. It won't look quite so fluffy without one.

My pretty crummy dress form is supposed to be a size 8. I'm not sure what kind of size 8 they meant.

I measured the dress while it was on the form. The bust measures 35", the waist 27" and the length of the skirt is 28". So it is small.

I suggest that if you purchase the dress that you put it on by pulling it up over your hips. It has no zipper and in order to preserve the elastic it would be less stressful on it to pull it up rather than over your head and shoulders. Just a thought 🤔