A trail camera, also known as a game camera or a wildlife camera, is a specialized camera designed for outdoor use, primarily for capturing images and videos of wildlife and outdoor activities. Our high quality trail camera offers:
Weatherproof Design: Our trail camera is built to withstand various weather conditions, including rain, snow, and extreme temperatures, allowing them to be used in rugged outdoor environments.
Motion Detection: Equipped with color CMOS sensor, these camera detect motion, triggering the camera to capture images or record videos when wildlife or humans pass by.
High-Resolution Imaging: Our trail camera offer high-resolution photo and video capabilities, capturing clear and detailed images even in low-light conditions.
Night Vision: To capture wildlife activity during nighttime, trail camera feature infrared LED flash technology, providing black-and-white night vision without disturbing animals with visible light.
Storage: Images and videos captured by trail cameras are typically stored on removable SD cards, our models works with memory card from 2GB to 32GB.
You can check out quality of video here:https://youtu.be/5a2BzFANy7I