Rose Fair & Natural Sheet Mask | Lemon | Lime | Turmeric | Carrot | Aloe vera

Achieve a radiant, nourished complexion with our Herbal Multi-Vitamin+ face mask, offering a range of key benefits:

Herbal Multi-Vitamin+ Action: Infused with powerful natural actives, this mask delivers a boost of herbal multi-vitamins to revitalize your skin.
Instant Fairness Look: Experience an immediate improvement in skin tone, unveiling a lighter and brighter complexion with each use.
Refreshes, Nourishes & Hydrates: This mask not only refreshes and hydrates your skin but also nourishes it deeply, promoting overall skin health.

How it works:
The mask's potent blend helps hydrate, refresh, nourish, and improve skin tone, resulting in a lighter and brighter appearance. It works to treat your skin from within, promoting a healthy, glowing, and fairer complexion on the outside. Importantly, it achieves these benefits without resorting to harmful bleaching agents or synthetic chemicals, ensuring a safe and gentle experience.

How to use:
Begin by cleansing and drying your face thoroughly.
Carefully position the mask over your face, ensuring it fits comfortably, and leave it on for 15 minutes.
Relax with your eyes closed, allowing the herbal essences to work their magic.
Remove the mask, gently fold it, and pat any remaining essences onto your face to aid absorption.
Rinse off any residue with water to reveal refreshed, revitalized skin.

Crafted with a blend of natural wonders including rose, turmeric, lemon, carrot, lime, wheatgerm, and aloe vera, our formula works synergistically to provide your skin with the nourishment it deserves.

For optimal results, incorporate this mask into your skincare routine twice weekly, and enjoy the rejuvenating effects it brings to your complexion.