"Nunn`s Chess Endings Vol. 1 The definitive work on practical endgame tactics"

+ "Nunn`s Chess Endings Vol. 2 The definitive work on practical endgame tactics"

Je 2010 in 1. Auflage beim Gambit Verlag erschienen. 320 Seiten + 352 Seiten, je sehr gut erhalten!

In this major two-volume work, renowned endgame theoretician John Nunn teaches the skills that are most important to success in practical endgames.

Going beyond standard texts, Dr Nunn shows how to apply knowledge of standard endgames to find the right methods in tricky real-life practical situations - even when they differ greatly from the idealized forms given by traditional endgame manuals.

Identifies new and important motifs which occur repeatedly in over-the-board play

Nunn shows that lack of familiarity with key ideas can cause important ideas and themes to be missed even by very strong players. We discover that a staggering amount of previously published endgame analysis is simply wrong, and that many of the standard guidelines are at best partially true.

Dr John Nunn is one of the best-respected figures in world chess. He was among the world's leading grandmasters for nearly twenty years, winning four gold medals in chess Olympiads and finishing sixth overall in the World Cup in 1989. He is a much-acclaimed writer, whose works have won 'Book of the Year' awards in several countries. In both 2004 and 2007 Nunn was crowned World Chess Solving Champion, ahead of many former champions.

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