Transformers G1 – Brawn – Autobot Mini Vehicles with StatCard


Great condition, 1985


Brawn is molded primarily in two colors, (using black only for the wheels), and uses no die-cast metal. He shares his deeply treaded plastic wheels with wave-mates Huffer and Gears. Like all the former Microchange Mini CAR “big vehicles,” he also shares a similar, very simple, transformation scheme. His chrome arms pull out from the sides, where they are hidden behind rotating door panels, and his legs swing down from the rear of the vehicle. The black hood still bears a molded, stylized "M", once thought a reference to the Microchange logo, but more likely the Mysterians logo, as it matches the M logo on Marchon’s eventual release of the geometrically-shaped Mysterians. Also like his brethren, his face is molded and painted flush with the bottom of the vehicle. Brawn’s low price point meant he included no accessories and only a sparse couple of stickers. Paint detail is limited to his face.
Date stamp location: back of vehicle
Rubsign location: Left side door (1985)

Collector Notes

Brawn’s chrome arms are frequently broken and missing. they are a weak point in the design, and can be easily snapped off from the shoulder pins if they are pulled in the wrong direction. Furthermore, his arms may appear to be whole to the casual observer even when the chrome arms are missing due to the arm-like shape of his doors in robot mode.

Type 4: With rubsign (on left side), "©TAKARA CO. LTD. JAPAN 1974, 1983" stamp, indent on roof, 1-piece helmet