[700 years of glory and downfall of fashionable people]
Shoes with toes as long as 30 centimeters suddenly appeared in the Middle Ages. Asymmetrical men's clothing.
Pants with a "genital bag" from the Renaissance period. Dandy men's corset.
Gentlemen dressed in black, like a 19th century funeral procession. The reality of women's labor, such as washerwomen and ironing women, who supported them.
The invention of bleach and the century of mauve color. Lesbianism, cross-dressing, and costume perversion. Birth of sports clothing such as aviators.

Fascist black shirt. When did the modeling profession come into being?

700 years of fashion history, from medieval trends to modern street fashion.
A dense book with over 400 color and monochrome illustrations from a perspective that has almost never been written about.

・The Puritans' preference for black clothing continued into the 20th century, but was it fashionable clothing or religious clothing?
・When the Italian-style macaroni appeared in England, the British-style ``Anglomani'' appeared in France.
-Romantic dandies in the 1830s were so concerned about their slimness that they wore men's corsets.
-As men's clothing became standardized to black, women needed the ability to manage white cloth.
-When the bourgeoisie dressed up to look gorgeous, industrial workers such as washerwomen and ironing women supported their costumes.
-Until 1870, children's clothing was nothing more than a miniature version of adult clothing.
・Before the creation of the profession of modeling, a fashion doll called Pandora introduced trends.
・There was no fashion history that traced the origins of blue-collar workers!
・The relationship between the trend of trunk-shaped swimsuits and Tarzan.
・Why were monocles so popular in Berlin in the 1920s?
- Lucien Vaugel and the Gazette du Bon Ton.
・Photographer Cecil Beaton and the “Bright Young People” of Britain in the 1920s
・What was deep in America's zootsuiter style during the war.
・Anthony Price and Tommy Nutter, 70's London fashion.
-Wasn't Vivienne Westwood the one who started the rag look?