Amaryllis Striped Barbados Lily Hippeastrum striatum Organic-3 Root Bulbs

The striped Barbados lily is an easy care plant grown from bulbs. It features bright flowers and will rebloom year after year with proper care. This plant likes to grow in indoor pots. The plant produces 3 to 6 shiny strap like leaves. Blooms come from two stems. It lasts 4-7 days. The flowers are trumpet shaped. Barbados lily is attractive to bees and butterflies. It smells like flowers.

     Bright indirect but direct sunlight is best. Turn the plant every time you water so the stems grow straight and do not lean towards the light.

     Water the bulbs sparingly until the stems are visible. Water more as the stem, flower buds and leaves develop. Keeping the soil barely moist will help extend the life of the flowers.

     Use a soil that drains quickly. When planting, fill the container about halfway with moist soil.

     These plants like temperatures between 68 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the plant has flowered, moving it to a slightly cooler location will help the flowers last longer.
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