The book is the fourth volume in a distinguished series focused on the natural history of fish, authored by Charles Nicolas Sigisbert Sonnini de Manoncourt and published in 1802 (Year X of the French Republican Calendar). This installment continues Sonnini's extensive work, delving deeper into the classification, description, and illustration of fish species, building upon the foundational knowledge laid out in the preceding volumes. The work is emblematic of the era's scientific fervor for cataloging and understanding the diversity of the natural world through detailed empirical study and systematic organization. Sonnini's contributions through this series are significant for their meticulous attention to the morphology, habitat, and behavior of various fish species, enhanced by precise and informative illustrations. This fourth volume not only enriches the scientific community's understanding of ichthyology but also serves as a critical resource for naturalists, researchers, and enthusiasts interested in the early 19th-century perspectives on fish diversity. Sonnini's efforts are a testament to the Enlightenment's drive towards comprehensive and accessible natural history, reflecting a deepening human curiosity about the natural world and its myriad inhabitants.

Published: 1802

Pages: 426

Size: 8" x 5" x 1.2"


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