Information about Isotine Plus Eye Drop (10ml Each)

Isotine Plus Eye Drop (10ml Each) is a recognized eye care solution that occupies a significant place in the realm of ocular health. This unique eye drop formulation is well-regarded for its combination of herbal ingredients and essential nutrients, offering a range of benefits for maintaining and promoting healthy eyes.

Key Ingredients:
Palash-0.3%, Apamarg-0.3%, Punarnava-0.3%, Yashad Bhasma-0.06%, Tankana Bhasma-2%, Tuth Bhasma-0.4%, Alum-0.04%, Satva Podina-0.015%, Benzalkonium Chloride-0.01%, Jeevanti-0.3%, Chandan-0.3%, Amla-0.3%, Baheda-0.3%, Satva Podina-0.015%

Isotine Plus Eye Drop is indicated for various eye-related conditions, including the maintenance of eye health, support for clear vision, and relief from eye discomfort.

Product Form: These eye drops are intended for ophthalmic use and are suitable for adults.

Key Benefits:

Directions for Use:

Safety Information: