"Changing Arms Control Norms in International Society" is likely a book that examines the evolution, challenges, and implications of arms control norms within the broader framework of international relations. Here's a speculative outline of what such a book could cover:

1. **Introduction to Arms Control Norms:** The book may begin by providing an overview of arms control norms and their role in shaping state behavior and international security. It could discuss the historical development of arms control agreements, the principles underlying these norms, and their significance for preventing conflict, reducing arms proliferation, and promoting stability.

2. **Evolution of Arms Control Regimes:** A significant portion of the book might be dedicated to tracing the evolution of arms control regimes over time. This could include discussions on landmark treaties and agreements, such as the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), as well as efforts to address emerging threats such as cyber warfare and autonomous weapons systems.

3. **Challenges to Arms Control:** Another key aspect could be an analysis of the challenges facing arms control norms in the contemporary international environment. This might include discussions on factors such as great power competition, technological advancements, proliferation risks, treaty non-compliance, and the erosion of trust and cooperation among states.

4. **Norm Entrepreneurship:** The book could explore the role of norm entrepreneurship in driving changes in arms control norms. This could involve discussions on the efforts of states, international organizations, advocacy groups, and civil society actors to promote new norms, strengthen existing agreements, and address gaps in arms control regimes.

5. **Norm Contestation:** Additionally, the book might examine the phenomenon of norm contestation within the arms control arena. This could include discussions on divergent interpretations of arms control norms, disagreements over compliance and enforcement mechanisms, and conflicts of interest among states with different security priorities and objectives.

6. **Implications for International Security:** Another aspect could be an assessment of the implications of changing arms control norms for international security and stability. This might involve discussions on the potential risks of arms racing, proliferation, and conflict escalation in the absence of effective arms control mechanisms, as well as opportunities for renewed cooperation and multilateral diplomacy.

7. **Future Directions:** Finally, the book could offer insights into future directions for arms control norms in international society. This might involve discussions on strategies for strengthening arms control regimes, enhancing compliance and verification mechanisms, and adapting to evolving security challenges in the 21st century.

Overall, "Changing Arms Control Norms in International Society" would likely provide a comprehensive analysis of the dynamics, challenges, and prospects for arms control norms in shaping the behavior of states and promoting international security in a rapidly changing world.