A metal pendulum deviation is believed to offer several benefits, including:

1. Clarity and Insight: A metal pendulum can help provide clarity and insight into a question or situation, promoting a deeper understanding.

2. Connection to the Subconscious: A metal pendulum is believed to connect with the subconscious mind, revealing hidden truths and inner wisdom.

3. Guidance and Direction: A metal pendulum can offer guidance and direction, helping to navigate life's challenges and make decisions.

4. Emotional Balance: A metal pendulum is thought to promote emotional balance, reducing stress and anxiety.

5. Spiritual Growth: A metal pendulum is believed to facilitate spiritual growth, promoting a deeper connection to the self and the universe.

6. Improved Intuition: Using a metal pendulum can enhance intuition, promoting a stronger connection to inner wisdom.

7. Decision-Making: A metal pendulum can help with decision-making, providing a clear yes or no answer.

8. Self-Discovery: A metal pendulum can aid in self-discovery, revealing hidden strengths and weaknesses.

9. Meditation and Focus: A metal pendulum can be used as a tool for meditation, promoting focus and inner peace.

10. Energy Work: A metal pendulum can be used in energy work, helping to balance and align the body's energy.

Remember, the benefits of a metal pendulum deviation depend on the individual's beliefs and practices. It's essential to approach pendulum work with an open mind and a clear intention.