A poetical anthology including poems and extracts of poems related to gods and heroes from the ancient greek mythology.

An interesting antique book published by Savoye in Paris during the year MDCCLXXXVI (1786). 

Leather binding. Text in french. 256 pages, 14.5 x 8.5 x 2 cm.

Poor/Acceptable condition; as is (inner binding issues, book does not open/close properly, needs to be handled with care in order to avoid further deterioration of binding, foxing, yellow/brown stains, water-/ink- stains, some creased pages' corners, small piece of paper missing from few leaves' margin/edges/corners not affecting text, some leaves more-foxed-than-the-average, some smell due to mould, worn cover where stains, scratches, bent/cracked/rubbed boards' corners, merely bent boards, cracks near spine, holes, fragile parts, tears/creases, rubbed/discolored/splotchy parts and from which pieces are missing, inscriptions on blank leaves and endpapers, &c).

Shipment fees' values (via registered mail) to all countries: $16.