Do you dream of a dildo that fits perfectly to your body and pampers all your hot spots? Us too! Reason enough for a completely new type of dildo that can be Bend individually to precisely target the G-spot A-spot or prostate:LIMBA FLEX

The longer LIMBA FLEX M is ideal for specific impacts and quick position changes. With a harness you will have optimal control about the longest and most flexible dildo.



Every body is different like every time you have sex. That&#39s why LIMBA FLEX can be flexibly bent to precisely reach the ideal FUN spot for each person in each position.

What What&#39s so good about a flexible dildo? - Buying sex toys is like a quiz contest: among countless options you try to choose exactly the one that your body likes the most. LIMBA FLEX&lt /strong&gt saves you the guesswork. Are you looking for a dildo for precise G-spot massage? Bend it to shape. Do you want a long straight shaft? Lean back and go! Challenge yourself through a variety of positions and play ideas with just one toy.