Support your goals with creamy and convenient SlimFast High Protein Meal Replacement Smoothie Mix, packed with protein, and a good source of 24 vitamins and minerals wrapped in vanilla goodness. As part of the SlimFast plan, meal replacement protein shakes support your weight management goals and can help you lose weight and keep it off. This rich, decadent, tasty protein shake mix helps you indulge in delicious flavor while staying on track. Enjoy a high protein shake lunch smoothie or breakfast drink that curbs hunger for up to four hours.* SlimFast smoothie powder provides 20g of protein when prepared with 8 fl oz of fat-free milk. With 24 essential vitamins and minerals created with your nutrition in mind plus 5g of fiber, SlimFast shakes are designed to fit into your lifestyle. The SlimFast Plan consists of one sensible meal, two meals per day replaced with shakes or bars, and three snacks to curb hunger between meals. Isn’t it time you mixed things up with SlimFast? *Satiety was measured in a laboratory-controlled setting.

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