This is an Original BATTLE TESTED WARRIOR OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM OIF WAR TROPHY OIF LAW AND ORDER TASK FORCE (LAOTF) 2004-2006vêlkrö 2-TAB: US FLAG + SUPERMAN "S" Shoulder Sleeve Insignia Patch. You will receive the item as shown in the first photo. Please note that there are color variations due to different settings on different PCs and different Monitors. The color shown on your screen is most likely not the true color. Personal checks are welcomed. 

In February 2007, the US Department of Justice and Multi National Forces-Iraq formed the Law and Order Task Force (LAOTF), a joint-Iraqi, civilian and military capacity-building organization. The task force objectives are “to assist in the development of an independent, evidence-based, transparent, and evenhanded law enforcement and judicial system that can adjudicate trials of major crimes before the Central Criminal Court of Iraq (CCCI).” The task force consists of civilian and military attorneys, paralegals, and criminal investigators who train, mentor and assist Iraqi police and judges to reform, strengthen and expand the rule of law.
LAOTF is based on a secure compound, known as the Rusafa Complex, located just outside the international zone in Baghdad. In addition to serving as the headquarters for the task force, the Rusafa Complex provides secure housing for judges and a secure courthouse allowing members of the Iraqi judiciary to adjudicate cases in a safe environment.

Operation Imposing Law, also known as Operation Law and Order (Arabic: عملية القانون والنظام, romanized: amaliat al-qaanoon wa an-nazaam), Operation Fardh al-Qanoon (Arabic: فرض القانون) or Baghdad Security Plan (BSP), was a joint Coalition-Iraqi security plan conducted throughout Baghdad. Under the Surge plan developed in late 2006, Baghdad was to be divided into nine zones, with Iraqi and American soldiers working side by side to clear each sector of Shiite militias and Sunni insurgents and establish Joint Security Stations so that reconstruction programs could begin in safety. The U.S. military commander in Iraq, David Petraeus, went so far as to say Iraq would be "doomed" if this plan failed. Numerous members of Congress stated the plan was a critical period for the U.S. presence in Iraq.In mid-October 2006, al-Qaeda announced the creation of Islamic state of Iraq (ISI), replacing the Mujahideen Shura Council (MSC) and its al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). On 10 February 2007, General David Petraeus replaced General Casey as the commander of Multi National Force-Iraq and Admiral William Fallon replaced General Abizaid as CENTCOM Commander on 16 March 2007. The operation was led by Iraqi General Abboud Qanbar, a veteran of the Iran-Iraq and Gulf wars. General Qanbar was a compromise choice because General Mohan al-Furayji, the first choice of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, to head the operation, was rejected by the U.S. Army. On the first day of the operation new checkpoints were erected and increased vehicle inspections and foot patrols were reported in some neighborhoods. The operation was billed as a major neighborhood-to-neighborhood sweep to quell sectarian violence in the city of 6 million. In conducting the Baghdad Security Plan (BSP) (Fardh al-Qanoon in Arabic), coalition forces "erected security walls around public gathering spots like markets, rounded up weapons caches, and detained suspected Sunni insurgents and Shiite death squads" and set up "'joint security sites' and even smaller 'combat outposts'." U.S. and Iraqi forces launched attacks on Baghdad's northern and southern flanks mid-June to clear out Sunni insurgents, al-Qaida fighters and Shiite militiamen who had fled the capital and Anbar during the four-month-old security operation. The U.S. wanted to take advantage of the arrival of the final brigade of 30,000 additional U.S. troops to open the concerted attacks. In the north an offensive was mounted against Al-Qaeda positions in Baquba in Diyala province where fighting had already been going on for months. In the south the push targeted insurgent forces in the Arab Jabour and Salman Pak area. Arab Jabour being only 20 kilometers southeast from Baghdad which was a major transit point for insurgent forces in and out of Baghdad. By the end of the first day of this new operation two U.S. soldiers and 30 militants were killed along with 12 civilians and more than 200 people were detained by coalition forces. Operation Phantom Thunder ended on 14 August with large swathes of insurgent held territory in the south, west, and east of Baghdad coming under coalition control. But despite that heavy fighting continued in Baghdad itself. In November 2007, Brigadier-General Qassim Moussawi, Iraqi spokesman for the nine-month-old Baghdad security plan, said the decline in violence would allow the government to reopen 10 roads that month that had been closed for security reasons. He also said that Baghdad would end the operation soon. These words came at the same time when Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said that violence decreasing in the capital was a sign of declining sectarian bloodshed.[citation needed] On 24 November, it was announced that 5,000 soldiers from the 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division would be withdrawn from Diyala province. With this the U.S. troop surge which began in February effectively ended, and with that the Baghdad security operation as well. When the operation began mid-February the Coalition had less than 20 percent of Baghdad under its control. But, after months of heavy street fighting, the security in the city increased and attacks fell in November by 55 percent. Also, the sectarian fighting was diminished a great deal, with an average of 6 bodies being found in the city at the end of the operation, in contrast to at least 30 at the beginning in February. The U.S. and Iraqi military were still only managing to hold 40 percent of Baghdad in August when the tide turned after the Mahdi Army declared a cease-fire and large numbers of Sunni insurgent groups switched sides towards the Coalition. In the end only a small portion of the southern part of the city was left in the hands of Al-Qaeda in Iraq elements and the north-eastern, wast, Sadr city district remained under firm Mahdi Army control. Even if the operation ended there were still signs that the insurgency was not gone. A day before the operation ended, on 23 November, a bomb exploded in a pet market killing 15 civilians. The largest bombing in the city for the previous two months, because most of the heavy fighting had already ended mid-September. In all, around 7,500 civilians were killed during the operation along with more than 1,200 insurgents, almost 100 suicide bombers, and more than 870 members of the Coalition, including at least 324 U.S. soldiers. More than 1,000 U.S. soldiers were wounded during the operation. The intensity of the fighting during the operation can best be presented in that among the casualties were at least 4 Coalition generals. On 24 July, Iraqi Brigadier General Kamal Tahir was killed in the Al Kadhmiya district. Also, one American, one Iraqi and one Polish general were wounded.

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Sgt. Auralie Suarez and Private Brett Mansink take cover during a firefight with guerrilla forces in the Al Doura section of Baghdad on the 7th of March. 
The soldiers are from Company C, 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division.

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