PUBLICATION             :         The MAGNET

DATE                              :         Week Ending May 9th 1931

Issue Number                 :         1212

Volume                            :         XXXIX (39)

Publisher                         :         The Amalgamated Press, Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, E.C.4, London

Format                            :          Very small type, black & white illustrations

Page height & width       :         27.5 x 19.5 cm (11 x 7½ inches) approximately  

Pages                               :         28 including covers numbered

Approximate Weight      :         40 grams  (100 grams when packed)

Content                           :         “Foes of the Sixth” Long complete School Story (by Frank Richards). “The Island of Slaves” (serial), 
                                              readers letters, "Greyfriars Herald", advertisements

Condition                       :         Moderate. One staple has rusted away, and the paper (particularly the covers) has darkened (toned),
                                             Minor edge damage, foxing, staining and ageing. The photos show the general condition of this copy
🙃E & OE      


Notes of possible interest :-
The Magnet (1908 to 1940, publishing a total of 1,683 issues) was a weekly “story paper” featuring illustrations and text stories aimed at boys. The magazines were extremely popular before the Second World War before declining circulation, and wartime paper shortage, lead to the papers closure in 1940.  The magazine featured the boys at a fictional school (Greyfriars) – most notably Billy Bunter and/or Harry Wharton and the Remove. Each issue had a complete “Long Story” usually written by Charles Hamilton under the pen name Frank Richards .There was also a “part story” (serial), various features and some advertisements in each issue. After 1911 the illustrations were almost entirely by Charles Chapman and Leonard Shields.