1869 cover with #114 3c locomotive tied by NEW -YORK cds and fancy grid cancel, addressed to "Rear Admiral Hiram Paulding, Port Adml., Boston, Mass." 

Docketing in Paulding's hand at left reads: "July 28/ 69. asks Photograph for Souvenir".  

Addressed to HIRAM PAULDING, (1797-1878), US Navy Rear Admiral, who served from the War of 1812 until after the Civil War; In 1824, while serving on the USS "United States" in the Pacific Station, he volunteered to carry Commodore Hull's dispatches from Callao, Peru to the mountain Headquarters of Simon Bolivar in the Andes. Paulding's journey of 1,500 miles on horseback was later recounted in his book, "Bolivar in His War Camp" (New York, 1834). In 1861, President Lincoln appointed Paulding to assist in building up the nation's war fleet; and he commanded the New York Navy Yard, 1864-1865. After the war, he was Port Admiral at Boston. 

Fine condition.