Brand new and sealed Teenage Engineering Pocket Operator PO-16 Factory Synthersizer 16 Step Pattern Sequencer - Black/Orange

  • PROVIDES MULTIPLE LEAD SYNTH TONES - The Teenage Engineering PO-16 Factory provides 15 assorted synths ranging from FM, wavetable, subtractive synthesis, to physical modeled string 
  • OFFERS A MICRO DRUM MACHINE SAMPLE - Aside from lead and chord synth tones, PO-16 also has a cool micro-drum machine in the manufacturer sound preset list 
  • LETS YOU EASILY PROGRAM CHORDS - The 16 punch-in play styles enable you to programs chords, transpositions, and arpeggios 
  • WORKS AS STANDALONE - You can use the PO-16 Factory alone with the use of the onboard Knowles speaker No need for external gear 
  • SYNCS WITH MULTIPLE UNITS - You can connect PO-16 Factory with 2 other Pocket Operators using standard stereo audio cables You can also sync PO-16 with external devices like a PC

From the manufacturer

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the pocket operator family 

Pocket operators are small, ultra portable music devices, with studio quality sound and the flexibility to make music on the go. Affordable for everyone and compatible with all other music gear. All pocket operator models perfectly complement each other - from drum machine, bass and lead synthesizers to noise percussion and Capcom special editions. Use them separately or connect them together, the choice is yours. 

Watch the family overview video then find out more about the PO-16 rhythm below. 

TE PO-16 Factory

melody synthesizer 

PO-16 factory 

The PO-16 is a Melody Synthesizer that features plenty of lead synth sounds. Like with the sub, a drum machine slot has been included to help develop a beat around your melody. Sequences are easily modulated, arpeggiated, transposed and stuttered with the key button. 

TE PO-16 Factory
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