Excerpt from St. Petersburgh, a Journal of Travels to and From That Capital, Vol. 2 of 2: Through Flanders, the Rhenish Provinces, Prussia, Russia, Poland, Silesia, Saxony, the Federated States of Germany and France (Classic Reprint)

Commercial and other Establishments of Industry, and their Buildings. The Imperial Exchange — The Rostral Columns — The first Foreign Ship at St. Petersburgh -peter the Great and the Dutch Ski pper.-inaugura tion of the New Exchange — Afiability and Condescension of Alexander the First towards the English Merchanta — New Imperial Warehouses. — Cus tom house-navigation of Merchant Vessels up the neva.-number of Vascla entered at St. Petersburgh in 1827. — Amount of Tonnage for that Year — Lists of Imports and Experts for the last ten years-balance of Export Trade in favour of Russia — General value of Corn exported in 1898 and 1891. — Custom-house Revenue, during the last six years. Ssudy increase of it every year — Number of Vessels entered and cleared.