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Titolo: Spitfire vs Bf 109
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9781846031908
ISBN: 9781846031908
Publisher: Osprey Publishing
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 06/11/2007
Lingua: inglese
Altezza: 248mm
Lunghezza: 184mm
Larghezza: 8mm
Peso: 268g
Autore: Tony Holmes
Ilustración: Mark Postlethwaite, Jim Laurier
Contribuyente: Mark Postlethwaite (Illustrated by), Jim Laurier (Illustrated by)
Subtítulos: Battle of Britain
ISBN-10: 1846031907
Description: This book will explain what it felt like to be a fighter pilot during those crucial moments of the Battle of Britain flying some of the most iconic planes to have ever graced the skies during a combat when both man and machine were tested to the limit. This volume details the pilots' training, British and German tactics, and the development of the models that were in use at the time - the Spitfire Mk I/II and the Bf 109E. The key elements of both aircraft types are also explored through the first-hand accounts from the men who strapped themselves into these now-legendary machines and became embroiled in the world's first major aerial battle.
Paese di origine: GB
Genere: History
Serie: Duel
Soggetto: Law & Politics
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2007

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