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Titolo: The Unauthorized Guide To Doing Business the Alan Sugar Way
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: 10 Secrets of the Boardroom's Toughest Interviewer
Autore: Emma Murray
Formato: Tascabile
EAN: 9781907312441
ISBN: 9781907312441
Publisher: Capstone Publishing Ltd
Genere: Business & Finance
Data di pubblicazione: 19/03/2010
Description: Alan Sugar is a business legend. When it comes to business, Sugar is both feared and fearless. Shrewd businessman, inspirational figure and sweet-talking star of The Apprentice, this man knows how to strike a deal.

The Unauthorized Guide to Doing Business the Alan Sugar Way draws out the universal lessons from Alan Sugar's remarkable success and identifies 10 strategies that can be applied to any business or career:

  1. Don't push or shove
  2. Start a revolution
  3. Know your customer
  4. Stay true to your values
  5. Learn from your mistakes
  6. Drive a hard bargain
  7. Invest in the right people
  8. Lead from the front
  9. Win as a team
  10. Hire in haste, repent at leisure

Want to be the best? The secrets of phenomenal success are in your hands.

Check out the other Unauthorized Guides in this series: Richard Branson; Duncan Bannatyne; Jamie Oliver; Bill Gates; and Philip Green.

Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: GB
Altezza: 221mm
Lunghezza: 135mm
Larghezza: 12mm
Peso: 270g
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2010

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