Der im Dezember 2013 erschienene:  Schachinformator Nr. 118 - Cobra Edition 

Neuware Buch + CD. Die erste Aussgabe mit Photos!

Der Informator wurde einer Neustrukturierung unterworfen. Er erinnert  in der heutigen Form ein wenig an das ebenfalls neu strukturierte Yearbook von New in Chess. Die nachfolgende, auszugsweise, Inhaltsangabe beweist diesen Umstand:    

  • GARRYS CHOICE - By GM Garry Kasparov, 13 th WORLD CHAMPION
Garry annotates Caruana-Adams encounter from Dortmund 2013, which leads us to the story of Ruy Lopez Berlin Defense. Five reference games included.
  • OLD WINE IN NEW BOTTLES - By GM Mihail Marin
Mihail elaborates the theme of the Positional queen sacrifice and the strong passed pawn, through six illustrative games, starting with the newest, Kramnik-Andreekin from WCC Tromso 2013.
  • STAND UP AND FIGHT - By GM Adrian Mikhalchishin
It´s a trainers booth, educative lesson about Slechter/Fisher/Sozin variation of Sicilian Defense. So many lines, references and explanations packed in two games.
  • MY WAY - By GM Alexander Moiseenko, European Champion 2013
In a feedback to the article by Sarunas Sulskis from Informant 117, Alexander, as newly crowned European Champion, shares three of his wins, that he feel that mostly contributed to his path to the top of the Championship.
  • INTERCEPTION - By GM Sarunas Sulskis
From round to round, under Sarunas?s scope is World Cup 2013, with 12 selected games. Magnificent story, deep annotations.
  • BOSSA NOVA - By GM Rafael Leitao
As a participant of the World Cup 2013, Rafael put at the light at the most interesting theoretical novelties from the event, with his own analytical observations.
  • HAVE NO FEAR - By GM Alexander Ipatov
He is one of the most talented young GMs in the world. Recently, Alex conquered the South Africa and this is the story about the Cape Town tournament, with five annotated games.
  • INSPIRING MOMENTS - By IM John Bartholomew and GM Wesley So
Super-GM Wesley So played the tournament and the simul in Minessota. John interviewed Wesley and they are mutually revealing some games and interesting positions from this ?hidden gem? event.
  • EN ROUTE - By GM Emanuel Berg
Berg´s summer successful tour includes GM tournament in Gothenburg, Portugal league and Rapid event in Linkoping. Diary-style with 10 annotated games.
  • UNCENSORED - By Suat Atalik
Suat is often controversial in his comments but this time he was annotating the games from ladies event. European Individual Women?s Championship through 16 games.
  • WORD OF A CHAMPION - By Hoang Thanh Trang, European Champion 2013
She is newly crowned champion of the Old Continent. Hungarian and Vietnamese-born GM, Hoang is annotating one special game from the EICC for Informant?s readers. Add-on: deep rook ending analyses with references by GM Suat Atalik.

D70 Anti-Gruenfeld 3.f3 - By top Hungarian player GM Viktor Erdos

D90 Anti-Gruenfeld 5.h4 - By Serbian GM Danilo Milanovic


BY GM Ivan Ivanisevic and GM Milos Perunovic A33 English Opening, A40 Queen?s Pawn Game, B19 Caro-Kann, B80 Sicilian Najdorf, C45 Scotch, C63 Ruy Lopez Schliemann, D20 Queen?s Gambit Accepted, D39 Semi-Tarrasch, D88 Queen?s Gambit Ragozin, D90 Gruenfeld Defense, E34 Nimzo-Indian Defense and E94 King?s Indian Defense.


204 Annotated games in CI System of Signs

  • PROBLEMS - By IGM Marjan Kovacevic
  • STUDIES - By IM Yochanan Afek
  • COMBINATIONS - by GM Branko Tadic
  • ENDINGS - by IM Goran Arsovic

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