"Emanuel Lasker A Reader" edited by Taylor Kingston

Erschien im Sommer 2019 bei Russell in den USA. 400 Seiten, 1a Ware mit ExLibris-Aufkleber, statt 32,00 Euro ab 8,00 Euro in der Versteigerung.

"I do not accept an absolute limit to my knowledge. I have a zeal to understand that refuses to die." Emanuel Lasker, 1919

Among great chess masters, Emanuel Lasker (1868-1941) stands unique for the depth and broad scope of his intellect. Most of the game´s world champions have been single-mindedly chess-obsessed, with few outside interests. Lasker, however, was very much a polymath, making major contributions to mathematics and philosophy, plus writing on many other subjects: science, politics, economics, sociology, board games other than chess, etc. All while retaining his chess crown for nearly 27 years, and ranking among the world?s top ten for over four decades.

In this book you get a unique look at Lasker himself "both intellectually and emotionally" through a wide-ranging sampling of his works, with an emphasis on chess but also including much on other topics.

You are invited to enter the mind of this wide-ranging, insightful and outspoken intellect. Lasker was not always right, any more than he always won at the chess board, but he was always interesting.

Taylor Kingston has been a chess enthusiast since his teens. He holds a Class A over-the-board USCF rating, and was a correspondence master in the 1980s, but his greatest love is the game´s history. His historical articles have appeared in Chess Life, New In Chess, Inside Chess, Kingpin, and the Chess Café website. He has edited numerous books, including the 21st-century edition of Lasker´s Manual of Chess, and translations from Spanish of The Life and Games of Carlos Torre, Zurich 1953: 15 Contenders for the World Championship, and Najdorf x Najdorf. He considers the Lasker Reader to be the most challenging and interesting project he has undertaken to date.

005 Analytical Symbols

006 Editor?s Preface

008 Foreword by Andy Soltis

Part I: Chess Writings

011 The London Chess Fortnightly (1892-1893)

042 The Steinitz-Lasker 1894 World Championship Match

057 The Hastings 1895 Tournament Book

064 Common Sense in Chess (1896)

070 Lasker?s Chess Magazine (1904-1909)

224 The Lasker-Tarrasch 1908 World Championship Match

276 The St. Petersburg 1909 Tournament Book

278 The Lasker-Capablanca 1921 World Championship Match

294 New York 1927 and the Lasker-Lederer-Capablanca Dispute

302 Lasker?s Manual of Chess on the Theory of Steinitz (1932)

318 Lasker on the Endgame by Karsten Müller

322 Lasker as a Composer of Problems and Studies

Part II: Lasker as Philosopher and Social Critic

326 Struggle (1907)

335 Die Philosophie des Unvollendbar (1919)

358 The Community of the Future (1940)

Part III: Emanuel Lasker and Mathematics

367 Two Triangles and More by Dr. Ingo Althöfer

Part IV: Miscellany

375 Lasca, ?The Great Military Game&rdquo

380 Observations of Lasker by Others

388 Bibliography

390 Index of Players

393 Index of Openings

395 General Index






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