AN ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE FOR ANY SERIOUS COLLECTOR!!!! American Lincoln Penny with D mint mark.

Three close up photos are absolutely legit and no funny business!!! My father was a microscope enthusiast and I have a feeling he closely analyzed all these coins when he purchased some of them and when he found the others in large penny lot purchases he made. This one is insane and a must see for any serious collector. Based on all this coin has going on, this is under priced!

 Before we get into the classic errors and rarities...this is a needle in a haystack. Lincoln had a dog, you can see many classic photos of his dog online...and if you look between pillars 2 and 3 from right side, the recognizable face of Lincolns DOG is very noticeable middle top. Also the two pillars to the right of center have very obviously doubling and the third to right of center has noticeable doubling as well. Then to top it all off, in the space between the 3rd and 4th pillars from left and 4th and 5th pillars from left, you can clearly see two people embracing one another, with one of the individuals clearly kneeling, then a person is standing, facing them between the 4th and 5th pillars....the left side pillar or decorative statue on the stairs is typically alone on both sides. On this eye popping reverse, you can see a shadowy figure to the right of the left side statue on the stairs, both feet/legs quite noticeable, facing directly at where the 3 individuals are seen between the pillars. May it be that Lincoln himself is the one kneeling, depicting when he met his demise, while two men who respected him, one consoling from his left side and the one clearly in a cloak, spoke to him as he passed away from the fatal shot?!!!! This is crazy, just find the classic photo of his Dog Fido and start with the image of the Dog's face, absolutely looks just like Fido's face in the iconic photos you can find online!! 

This one has it all though, obvious doubling on the 8 and less noticeably on the outside 9. If you look at tje close up of Lincolns eye, compare that swelling to other Lincoln pennies, even the swelling under his eye is 1 of 1 type oddity. You have doubling on the ear, extra swell mark on his face, halo clearly visible around almost entire image. Amazing condition and worth getting graded. Already a great price for this rare gem, I don't have a scale, but my father, who recently passed away, collected all the posted coins and passed them onto me, this one was alone and in a separate case to itself. If I get a scale and it's 3.1 grams, you know you're not getting it for this price anymore! Just did my research, if this already rare coin is 3.1g, it's an absolute masterpiece. Just want them all to go to people who truly appreciate the coin collecting hobby and will treat them right. So I won't weigh it purposely, let the value already sell itself as it is and if it does weight 3.1, the already lucky buyer will send me a tip I hope 😊

Adding this in as of May 28th. Whoever buys this coin at posted asking price or very close to, you have my word I will take down all other posted items and consider it a purchase of the entire collection I have posted. I want all these coins to go to a serious collector who values all the oddities and rare errors on this coin especially. I swear by the photos of the bizarre figures and what seems to be Lincolns dog inside the pillars....send in offers and if I accept it, all posted items are yours 👊👌