Praise for The Road to Reality by Roger Penrose“A truly remarkable book...Penrose does much to reveal the beauty and subtlety that connects nature and the human imagination, demonstrating that the quest to understand the reality of our physical world, and the extent and limits of our mental capacities, is an awesome, never-ending journey rather than a one-way cul-de-sac.”—London Sunday Times“Penrose’s work is genuinely magnificent, and the most stimulating book I have read in a long time.”—Scotland on Sunday“Science needs more people like Penrose, willing and able to point out the flaws in fashionable models from a position of authority and to signpost alternative roads to follow.”—The Independent“What a joy it is to read a book that doesn't simplify, doesn't dodge the difficult questions, and doesn't always pretend to have answers...Penrose’s appetite is heroic, his knowledge encyclopedic, his modesty a reminder that not all physicists claim to be able to explain the world in 250 pages.”—London Times“For physics fans, the high point of the year will undoubtedly be The Road to Reality.”—GuardianFrom the Hardcover edition.

Roger Penrose is Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford. In 1988 he shared the Wolf Prize for physics with Stephen Hawking for their joint contribution to our understanding of the universe.From the Hardcover edition.