These are live cuttings with no roots.  They are not the easiest to root.  I send you fresh live cuttings and it is up to you to root.

Feedback should be based on the cuttings not your rooting succes rate.

Most have between a 55-80% success rate.  We have about 80% success rate on our farm. 

Best method is to put at least on node in moist soil about 6 inches apart. Do not oversaturate or bother the cuttings.  Withing 2-4 months roots should be developed. Way after the leaves bloom.  We suggest you do not  transplant until they are dormant and before the buds break the next spring.

The fruit is amazing.  A more flavor packed blueberry.  Our kids will empty one bush at a time.

Add a touch of sweetness to your garden with these 10 honeyberry cuttings. These shrubs are perfect for outdoor planting in a variety of climates, from Mediterranean to cold and temperate continental regions. They thrive in sand, silt, loam, and peat soils with a neutral pH, and require light watering and medium to full sun exposure. Honeyberry bushes grow quickly and are hardy, deciduous perennials that produce delicious, blue-colored berries in the spring and summer. The 4 varieties available are Giant, Berry Blue, Boreal, and Blue Moose. They are self pollinating but I try to send a mix for higher yields.