The Work of Psychoanalysis: Sexuality, Time and the Psychoanalytic Mind.

von Birksted-Breen, Dana:

Birksted-Breen, Dana:
1st edition
Verlag / Jahr
London; New York : Routledge, 2016.
Format / Einband
brosch. 283 Seiten
ca. 449 g
Gutes Exemplar, Einband mit mittleren Gebrauchsspuren. Lesespuren. / EN: Good copy, binding with moderate signs of wear. Reading marks. - Psychoanalysts working in clinical situations are constantly confronted with the struggle between conservative forces and those which enable something new to develop. Continuity and change, stasis and transformation, are the major themes discussed in The Work of Psychoanalysis, and address the fundamental question: How does and how can change take place? The Work of Psychoanalysis explores the underlying coherence of the complex linked issues of theory and practice. Drawing on clinical cases from her own experience in the consulting room Dana Birksted- Breen focuses on what takes place between patient and analyst, giving a picture of the interlocking and overlapping vertices that make up the work needed in psychoanalysis. Some of the key topics covered include: sexuality; aspects of female identity; eating disorders; time; dreams; modalities of thought; and terminating psychoanalysis. This book draws different traditions into a coherent theoretical position with consequences for the mode of working analytically. The Work of Psychoanalysis will appeal to psychoanalysts and academics in psychoanalysis, psychotherapists, as well as postgraduate students studying courses in these fields. / contents: Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Setting the scene -- Modalities of thought and sexual identity -- The feminine and unconscious representation of femininity, a duality at the heart of femininity -- - Sexuality in the consulting room -- - Bulimia and anorexia nervosa in the transference -- - Phallus, penis and mental space -- Time and the après-coup -- The work of interpretation -- o Reverberation time, dreaming and the capacity to dream -- Taking time, the tempo of psychoanalysis -- - Bi-ocularity, the functioning mind of the psychoanalyst -- Termination in process -- Bibliography -- Index. ISBN 9781138963405
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