Reveal natural wet cat food pots, pouches and cans are carefully crafted with limited ingredients. Our products are grain free, and made with no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. Every portion of Reveal is made with real protein in a variety of textures and flavors to cater to your cat's mealtime preferences. Reveal can be paired with any complete dry cat food as a complementary addition to their daily feeding regimen. You can truly feel confident in your cat food choice with Reveal.
At Reveal, we believe that mealtimes should be a highlight of the day for all the family - pets included. That's why we have created a range of exciting limited ingredient cat food recipes that will have your four-legged friends racing you to the bowl. Every can, pot, pouch and treat is made with natural ingredients and real protein. Your cat will love what's inside Reveal.

Tuna with Shrimp: Tuna Wholemeat, Fish Broth, Prawn. Tuna with Seabream: Tuna Wholemeat, Fish Broth, Sea Bream. Chicken Breast: Chicken Breast, Chicken broth/div>