Welcome to the world of Down-N-Dirty Outdoors! In 2004, D-N-D began as a conversation between two good friends. In 2006 we incorporated and here we are today.

The boys at D-N-D would like to introduce to you the Soul Crusher. Born in the turkey rich hills of Muhlenberg County, KY,

the Soul Crusher may be the most realistic sounding pot call ever designed. It's taken us a lot of time and heartache to get that "Real Hen" sound, and without any doubt, we've got it.

The Soul Crusher has a custom walnut pot, cherry or glass sound board, and is matched with a purple heart striker.

From the lowest purr or tree yelp to ground pounding cutts and cackles, the Soul Crusher can do it all.

Get it out and see what you think. We think you'll agree! We would like to thank all of the guys at D-N-D for helping the Soul Crusher Come Alive!

Thanks a Bunch,

Soul Crusher