Your compact color reference system - if the automatic camera or the RAW converter does not reproduce colors correctly, a reference image with the SpyderCheckr Photo will help. Then simply use the SpyderCheckr software to analyze the reference image and have correction values ​​calculated and apply these to the images in the image series in Lightroom, for example. In this way you can define a uniform starting point in terms of colour, even if you use several systems or optics with different color characteristics, for example. The SpyderCheckr Photo gets the color to the point where other systems stumble. It does this with a total of 62 color reference areas (30 colors, consisting of 6 skin tones and 24 non-skin tones, 24 shades of gray, 2 large gray fields, 3 fields each for white and black adjustment), whose color values ​​are stored in the software so that a target/actual value comparison can be carried out. These correction values ​​then flow into an HSL preset that can be applied to the series of photos in Lightroom.

The robust color cards ensure greater color depth and more color nuances as well as more detail - ideal for landscape and nature shots, studio and product photography. The comprehensive range of skin tone targets enables realistic and precise color reproduction, which is essential in portrait, wedding and people photography.

The stable housing of the SpyderCheckr Photo protects the already robust color cards and thus makes the color card the ideal companion for recordings on the go or on location. Thanks to its compact size, it fits in any pocket or camera bag and is therefore always ready to hand.

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