Gute Schachbücher in englischer Sprache - Hier:

"The Safest Grünfeld"  by GM Alexander Delchev & GM Evgenij Agrest

Verlag Chess Stars Openings (Bulgarien), 1.Auflage 2011, 348 Seiten, gut erhalten. 

The Safest Grünfeld offers a complete repertoire for Black against 1.d4 and various Anti-Grünfeld systems as 1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3, 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.b4, 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.Nc3. The book follows Chess Stars trademark structure with 3 chapters in every part. "Main Ideas" aim to give you a succinct review of the theory and the basic knowledge that should you allow to start playing the opening without much study. They also give examples of middlegame plans and typical tactical motifs, to complement the "Step by Step" and "Complete Games" chapters. In most main lines, the authors offer at least two alternative setups for Black - one solid system, and a more challenging approach. The material is up to date to April first.

005 Foreword

010 Introduction

Part 1

011 The Fianchetto System

Part 2

061 The Bf4 System

Part 3

103 The Bg5 System

Part 4

139 The e3 System

Part 5

157 The Qb3 System

Part 6

175 Rare Systems I

Part 7

197 Rare Systems II

Part 8

209 The Exchange System 7.Be3

Part 9

225 The Exchange System 7.Nf3

Part 10

257 The Exchange System 7.Bc4

Part 11

305 SOS Systems

Part 12

313 Anti-Grünfeld - 3.f3

Part 13

329 The English Anti-Grünfeld

343 Index of Variations

IM Bernd Schneider löst eine Sammlung auf. Verschiedenste Bücher werden in den kommenden Monaten auf Ebay angeboten (Liste kann gerne angefordert werden). Schaut in meine weiteren Auktionen, vielleicht läßt sich Porto sparen.

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