็Hermit Coin Locket Head of Rishi Ta Fai, talismanic amulet 
by Ajarn San Kongwet

Coin: Locket with image of Ajarn San and hermit's head.
Size: 3.5 x 4 cm.
with frame

Locket with a photograph of Ajarn San holding the head of a hermit. The back is embedded with 5 powerful amulets: a hermit, a takrud, a Brahma, a Phra Phisnet, and a tiger's fur.

And has the outstanding qualities of enhancing luck, superpowers, invulnerability, no matter what you do, you will be successful. Wherever you go, there will always be people who love you, support you, and have a wealth of experience.

**** 100% authentic, obtained directly from Ajarn San****