Con el Sol, la Luna y las Estrellas, With the Sun, the Moon and the Stars: Archaeoastronomy in Pachakamaq by architect Alfio Pinasco Carello [131]. Very Good Condition. Illustrated. Written in both Spanish and English and concerns the use of astronomy by ancient Peruvians in the construction of their sacred buildings. 
"This is the document of a study started in 1991 about the astronomical signaling of the temples, plazas and roads of the Pachakamaq Sanctuary, in the central Peruvian coast. The object of this study weas to identify the celestial bodies pointed out by the edifications and to determine the differences and coincidences between the cultures that built them. The purpose is to improve our understanding of the functions performed in them, the relations between these buildings and to get closer to the Ichmay and Inca cultures' ideology that made them." (Con el Sol, la Luna y las Estrellas).