CLA 3000 – Gewichtsverlust, Fettverbrennung – Nicht Stimulierendes Distelöl

Gewichtsverlust, Gewichtsmanagement, Muskelaufbau, Energie und Ausdauer

Physical Properties: Xemenry's highly potent conjugated linoleic acid derived from safflower oil is formulated to support performance and endurance. This supplement is popular with athletes and fitness experts for its sugar, carbohydrate, and water support, and is often used as a CLA weight loss supplement for women.
NATURAL SUPPORT: Unlike L-carnitine, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is not produced by the body and must be obtained through diet. With 3000 mg conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) per serving, our supplement is designed to help you build muscle and support a healthier lifestyle.
Purity Promise: Xemenry uses only pure, non-GMO ingredients. Our supplements use certified organic ingredients and are free of gluten, soy, sugar, preservatives and artificial colors.

Nehmen Sie 1-2 Kapseln zu den Mahlzeiten oder innerhalb einer Stunde nach den Mahlzeiten ein, nicht mehr als 4 Kapseln pro Tag.

30/60/120 Kapseln
