Original MSRP $499 Was bought and played for about 2 months before my brother decided he liked Bass better. You can play it right out of the box or use on stage. It has the connections for MIDI and soundboard and the built in speakers are loud and sound surprisingly good. Its labeled it for Mid-Level players and has advanced features but its great for beginners and has built in lesson features . Here are some of the other features

  1. Touch-Sensitive Keyboard:

    • The PSR-E333 features a touch-sensitive keyboard, which means that the keys respond differently based on how hard or soft you press them. This feature allows for expressive playing and dynamic control over the sound.
  2. Sound Voices:

    • It comes with 497 natural sound voices, including various instrument sounds. These voices are high-quality and realistic.
    • Additionally, there are 5 Chinese voices included in the voice library.
  3. Accompaniment Styles:

    • The keyboard offers 106 accompaniment styles, allowing you to play along with different musical genres and rhythms.
  4. Built-in Songs:

    • There are 102 built-in songs that you can learn and play. These songs cover a variety of genres and serve as great practice material.
  5. Easy Recording:

    • The Easy Recording feature allows you to record up to five of your original songs directly on the keyboard. This is useful for practicing, composing, and capturing your musical ideas.
  6. Connectivity:

    • You can connect the PSR-E333 to your computer via MIDI to transfer data or use music software.
  7. Ultra Wide Stereo:

    • The keyboard provides an Ultra Wide Stereo sound experience, enhancing the audio output.
  8. Lesson Functions:

    • The Y.E.S (Yamaha Education Suite) and Keys to Success lesson functions help beginners learn and improve their playing skills.
  9. Digital Effects:

    • The PSR-E333 comes with preset digital effects that you can apply to your playing, such as reverb, chorus, and more.
  10. Music Database:

    • The Music Database feature simplifies the setup by providing one-touch access to settings for specific songs.
  11. Portable Grand Button:

    • The Portable Grand Button instantly sets the keyboard to a grand piano sound, making it easy to switch to a classic piano tone.
  12. Auto Power Off: